Protect Right to Life for Unborn Even if Threatened with Death

Amidst the demands of non-governmental agencies to approve abortion in Argentina, Archbishop Cardinal Jorge Beroglio of Buenos Aires has been encouraging his flock to defend the unborn against abortion and strive for justice even if “they persecute or kill you.” It is unbelievably refreshing to hear the voice of Christ come through so strongly in our culture of death today.

If our U.S. Catholic clergy would speak out so strongly for life instead of being afraid to offend people, who knows how many lives might be saved?
Our pulpits are practically SILENT and in the rare instances that clergy do speak up about the American holocaust, it is so watered down that no one is dissuaded from killing their unborn child.

Let us pray that our Bishops, our priests, and our deacons will have the courage to speak up boldly for life and that we will do the same, regardless of the consequences.


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